which include practice exams for Cisco®, CompTIA®, Juniper® and PMP® certifications.App provides 25 free questions for each of the available practice exam. Full version of each practice exam has to be purchased individually. Buying full version of one practice exam will allow user to access full question set for that practice exam ONLY.
Question Types Supported :
a. Multiple choice single answer
b. Multiple choice multiple answer
c. Exhibit type
d. Text and Image Drag and Drop (Performance based)
e. Testlet type
Some main features of the application:
1. Each practice exam include 200+ highly relevant questions
2. Flash cards for each question.
3. Various question types (MCSA, MCMA, Exhibit, true/false, performance based)
4. Category wise scoring and reporting.
5. Configuration of exam to change the maximum time, score, pass percentage and permitted buttons while taking exam.
6. Review feature after taking simulated exam allows you to understand the incorrect answers and explanation for the question.
Disclaimer: Simulationexams is not associated with Cisco® Systems, CompTIA® organization, Juniper® Systems or Project Management Institute. All trademarks are duly acknowledged. The practice exams are copyright of simulationexams.
Download the app from mac app store [URL=https://apps.apple.com/us/app/se-integrated-exam-engine/id1490987462?see-all=developer-other-apps]here[/URL]