Knee arthritis is not a simple condition to heal. It occurs when articular cartilage wears away due to gradual wear and tear, injuries or surgeries. Apart from the loss of cartilage, bone spurs may develop in the knee joint bones.Patients with knee arthritis experience pain in the knee that gets worse with weight-bearing activities, and weather changes. Swelling, a grinding sensation with movement and loss of range of motion in the knee are common complaints too. Some patients complain of pain associated with weather changes.
One of the leading knee surgeons in Phoenix AZ, Dr. Adam Farber at Phoenix Shoulder and Knee Clinic, offers conservative as well as invasive treatments for knee arthritis patients. Treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee depends upon the severity of the arthritis and the patient’s symptoms.
If the cartilage loss is not too severe, non-invasive treatments are recommended. These include–
• activity modification
• weight loss for overweight patients
• use of assistive devices such as a brace, a cane, or a walker
• nutritional supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin
• pain medications such as Tylenol or anti-inflammatory medications
Knee joint contains joint fluid that helps to provide lubrication between the bones during movement. This joint fluid contains a substance known as hyaluronic acid.
In knee arthritis patients, the amount of hyaluronic acid diminishes. To replenish the hyaluronic acid, viscosupplementation injections (guided by ultrasound to increase accuracy) are given to patients.
Viscosupplementation injections consist of hyaluronic acid-like fluids which are injected directly into the arthritic joint. This treatment provides significant pain relief in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis. The viscosupplementation fluid also acts as both a lubricant and a shock-absorber.
If viscosupplementation doesn’t prove effective, steroid injections can be given to reduce inflammation and pain.
If non- and minimally-invasive treatments do not show results, knee replacement surgery can be recommended. Knee joint replacement surgery cuts at the arthritic ends of the bones and replace them with implants made of metal and plastic components.
The knee joint replacement surgery can be carried out for total knee replacement or partial knee replacement depending upon the extent of damage and wear and tear in the joint.
The decision to go for any knee arthritis treatment should be mutual between the patient and the knee surgeon. It is important that you ask your surgeon in detail about any queries you may have about the need, efficacy, recovery and other aspects of the treatment before going ahead with it.
To consult one of the top knee surgeons in Phoenix AZ, call Phoenix Shoulder and Knee at (480) 219-3342 or visit