California, USA, 13th Aug, 2015 - Optimally Organic, Inc, a licensed natural health supplement provider in California, serving the nutritional demands of normal as well as diseased persons, offers pure organic and fresh Samoan Noni powder to compensate for the body’s unmet nutritional needs. This powder is finely ground and prepared from whole and non fermented Samoan noni fruit, inclusive of their pulp and skin. Buyers can have this purely nutritive and bioactive product in both one and two pound sizes. While assuring users a sweet, strong or intoxicating flavor and finely powdered substance, Optimally Organic’s Noni can be diluted in juice, water, smoothie or tea to make a fully nutritive drink for their survival and longevity. The nonis growing on the nutrient-rich and volcanic soil of Samoa Island are superior in every aspect – from taste and structure to function. Once they ripe and become yellow, they can be used to make great nutritive and curing products. Optimally Organic is worried for falling nutrition and vitamin level in people of today’s world. It targets Samoan noni and prepares a superfood to be used along with juice, smoothies, water and milk to supply vital nutrients and enzymes to the body. Unlike poor class noni juice or noni tonic, this product can boost the nutritional level of users and make them lead a healthy life for long time. There is no inclusion of any unfermented fruit, leave, bark or seeds as they can spoil the nutritional value of this powder product. Optimally organic depends only on dry processing method to maintain the potency of all crucial nutrients and enzymes in them.
“Our 100% pure and organic Samoan Noni Powder tastes nice and has natural rejuvenating effect. It has multiple health benefits and is a potent source of fiber, enzymes, nutrients, and probiotics. We use noni organically growing in the volcanic soil and optimal raining climate condition of the Samoan islands. These noni fruits uptake maximum nutrients and minerals through their roots and preserve them to become an ultimate source of natural nutrients and enzymes for human beings at affordable rates,” said a spokesperson of Optimally Organic.
Most of the noni products on the market are Noni juice or tonic and are not as much effective as Optimally Organic’s whole fruit and non fermented noni powders. Most often they are made of left over pulp, seeds and skin of already processed noni fruits. These fermented noni juices are ineffective and have no or little vital nutrients. You should not go for these scrap materials. Optimally Organic's organic Samoan Noni Powder is whole fruit, unfermented and dry processed without any seeds. They constitute a high potent, bioactive, sweet, smooth and dry mix for your daily drink without any trace of seeds settling at the bottom part of your glass. If you want to experience the miracle health and nutrition power of noni powder, take a look at the discounted sales offers available on the page