In our world today when so many businesses are really having a hard time, we need all the help and advice that we can get from different Christian business groups and institutions.In our offices and financial institutions there has been uncovered a degree of corruption and greed and selfishness which has been unimaginable. So how men can behave in these ways is very difficult to understand?
There was a farmer who was out ploughing. He hit an obstacle and stopped to examine the obstruction. A chest had been hidden in that field, and on opening it, it was discovered to be full of treasure. He covers it up, goes off, and sells everything he possesses to buy that field. He does this joyfully because he knows what is in the field. He does not invest by borrowing irresponsibly. Much sadness and harm and hurt could have been avoided if people had paid attention to some very basic and fundamental lessons and principles.
But with the help of your friends and brothers, you suddenly see something wonderful and glorious. You know that it can become yours. You will settle for nothing else and nothing less. Now, the ploughman does not sneak into the field at night and steal the treasure. There may be a lot wrong with that field, with rocks, rubbish, rubble, barbed wire and old tin cans lying there, but when you have seen the treasure you buy the whole field.
"I am sorry. I cannot be there with you any longer. I can no longer be involved in that activity. I have something else to do now, and somewhere else to be. "I will be in the fellowship of the Church of Jesus Christ, alongside all those others who belong to Jesus Christ. I will be in that field now, more than I will be in any other field. May this be your response as you experience Jesus Christ.
So how men can act as many have acted, thinking they might get away with it is beyond belief. And to behave like this is nothing other than sin, and sin is something seldom mentioned in business today. Is there an answer? Is there a solution and if there is then where might that be found?
Nowadays, many have been deeply hurt and many are suffering the consequences of appalling leadership where leaders have been as centred on self and self-promotion and underhand activities as they have sought to line their own pockets and increase their own bank accounts.
In the end, there is a price to pay and that price is being paid in these present days, as we hear of more companies becoming bankrupt and this is happening as a result of various reasons but management and leadership must also take the responsibility. Remember, Jesus makes it clear that is not the way things work. When you get sight of the treasure and a glimpse of the Kingdom, you go home, rearrange your affairs, and even contact certain people like business men’s fellowship.
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