Owning and running a business today is difficult and complicated. It requires an individual to be very competitive to the point of going beyond the moral grounds just to make a profit from sales. But today, there are groups of individuals who base the mode of doing business through the teaching of the Bible and this type of organization is starting to gain grounds turning the business sector to a more customer and morally right organization. Most Christian businessmen’s organization is still having a hard time imparting to consumers the real issue on how religion can coincide with business dealings. Most people still think that if you don’t have the stomach to go beyond the moral issues of doing business, you will not make any money at all and the result would be just a tremendous loss of money for you. However many Christian businessmen with the help of the church are starting to prove this premise wrong. Owners of Christian businesses are starting to impart devotional message in conjunction with business dealing and most of their clients are starting to understand and agree with the issue. Today Christian businesses owners are starting to benefit from resources such as from books, print media, air media and Christian business directories are helping religious businesses find clients who appreciate its goal thereby being drawn to the religious company. BMF or Business Men’s Fellowship is a Christian Businessmen Association that is a pioneer in religious business ideas. The organization is made up of Christian business owners who come from all walks of life. People like plumbers, facility managers, insurance men, electricians, scientists, real estate agents, brokers, load officers, restaurant owners, lawyers, construction workers, office executives and even non-working students give their part in mobilizing and pushing for this kind of religious trade to flourish in the community. Even the retired, middle aged and senior citizen are now becoming a big part of this religious business organization. It is sad but admittedly, w the local and global marketplace as a venue of non sectarian business individuals whose goal is only to earn money without giving due consideration to the faith of the end user or customer. With BMF, they continue to look for the one moral constant thing that will make the right and moral difference in the business realm. And in BMF, they teach and show that the main constant is God, whose only motive is to love and be involved with our lives, including our business ventures. The organization’s goal is to reach to fellow workers and businessmen that God’s religion is never threatening but instead would be the best asset in one own business.