To all those affected or in need of assistance from Hurricane Sandy effects,We hope this note finds you and your loved ones safe. Our hearts go out to the millions affected by this natural disaster. We know resuming full operations is the best way to support our communities, and we are happy to report that we are operating as per normal business hours.
As FEMA, the Red Cross as well as other local State and Federal agencies continue to provide the full support of the Connecticut, New York and New Jersey communities for the life-saving and life-sustaining activities such as search and rescue, power restoration and debris removal, we at Major Vehicle Exchange would like to offer our assistance with regard to our 25 used shuttle buses that are immediately available for delivery.
Beyond our normal operations, we are focusing our efforts to help communities in need by offering fair prices and great service. Our offices on Long Island are located within 15 minutes of some of the most severely affected areas and we are offering delivery assistance for personal, Federal and State disaster relief.
From the team at Major Vehicle Exchange, we wish everyone in the affected area a fast and safe recovery and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Our operators are standing by at 516-333-7483 on a 24/7 basis.
Charlie Kaufman
President and CEO