As we know more and more people are getting into debt in the current economic climate. Obviously, the basic problem is that expenditure is greater than income. This can lead to people borrowing when they cannot meet their existing commitments and spiralling further into debt. At this point it is often worth talking to a professional debt management company, who can help draw up a debt management plan tailored to your individual needs.However there is an increasing awareness that it would be better to prevent people from getting into debt rather than just managing it. This is where financial education comes in to improve the situation in the future. A survey by the Chartered Insurance Institute found that 78% think that people’s financial knowledge in the UK is inadequate and 94% of people supported the introduction of financial management in schools. The Public Affairs Manager at the CII said “This survey shows a strong public belief that people should take more responsibility for their own financial planning. We believe the recession and subsequent austerity have been influential in creating this attitude”.
Politically in the UK there is a mood that responsibility should move from the state to the individual it is therefore only right that the individual is given the relevant education. 94% of people agreed that financial education should be part of the national curriculum.
Of course this is a long term solution and in the meantime people that are in debt should seek for a debt advice from a reputable debt management company. DebtLocal can put people in touch with local debt advisors who can advice on the best debt management plan for the individual’s circumstances. They can be contacted through their website or by a FREE CALL on 0800 044 5659.