Everybody would agree that web world today has become flush with the fakes. It could be an individual, company, service or product offering. One such thing that has been catching people off guard is technical scams. We at Click4Support thus have launched a campaign to make PC users aware of such scams, after seeing that users wrongly have setup Click4Support Scam Alert.
Having faced the problems ourselves and having heard the horror stories that some of our own clients faced when they were looking for expertise online, we decided that, enough is enough.
Origin of tech support scams
Scams originate generally to exploit an existing condition. Technical assistance has also become a fresh ground for the scams to burgeon due to the deep penetration of technology in our life as well as the problems people can face due to them.
Scams- How do they work?
Scams can be different in different places. Online tech support scams target innocent or uninformed new users, especially of computer and its accessories. Generally, these users get unsolicited calls from the people claiming to be from companies like Microsoft or Click4Support. Reputed IT brands are meant to lure people into believing the lie these people go on telling. Click4Support Scams are a result of such lies.
Nothing is left out; these scammers tell users of hackers trying to install malware in their systems and stories like that. Some choose to ignore these calls; others play along to have a good life; rest of the people fall for the hook, unaware of the reality.
How the campaign would work?
The basic idea of Tech Support Scam Alert by Click4Support is to let everyone on the virtual world be aware of the rogue presence of scammers. For this, we have launched certain-
1. Videos
2. Articles
3. Blogs
Please share these to spread the word, to keep the users away from scams. Your comments and views are also welcomed on the same.